Volunteers and Explorers, Use this link to track your class and workshop completions and points in the Voyager Academy.
Use this link to access the Voyager Explorers, Volunteers, and Staff Google Classroom. Visit this site at least twice weekly for news and assignments.
Use this link to see how many points are required to advance through the ranks.
Use this link to enter your ID Rank Achievement Badge spreadsheet points
These are the links to the Voyager Academy's Departments. Use these to track assignments, projects, due dates, etc. Some of the sites are currently in development and are empty. Your department leader will tell you when information has been posted to the department website. All department assignments are posted in the Google Classroom. The Google Classroom will have links to the department websites when necessary.
Voyager Club Calendar (camp mission dates, club meeting dates and times, classes, workshops, and department meeting dates)
Volunteer Handbook: Required reading for all Voyager Volunteers at the CMSC.
This quiz is required. Please take the quiz as you read the handbook. Write your answers on paper first. After you finish, transfer the answers from paper to the online link (above) and submit. The online quiz will NOT save your answers if you quit out which is why you take the quiz on paper first. Please email Mr. Williamson when you submit your online quiz answers for achievement credit.
Code of Conduct: Required reading for all Voyager Volunteers at the CMSC.
This quiz is required. Please take the quiz as you read the Code of Conduct. Write your answers on paper first. After you finish, transfer the answers from paper to the online link (above) and submit. The online quiz will NOT save your answers if you quit out which is why you take the quiz on paper first. Please email Mr. Williamson when you submit your online quiz answers for achievement credit.
Volunteering Achievements Spreadsheet
•. See a record of your partial and complete simulator passes
•. See your Achievement Card
• See how many credits you have
•. See a record of your partial and complete simulator passes
•. See your Achievement Card
• See how many credits you have
Explorers, this is the link to use to learn how you earn points to advance from an Voyager Explorer to a Voyager Volunteer. You'll see how many points you earn for attending classes, meetings, and workshops.
Use the link above to learn about
• Volunteering Awards (and what you need to do to earn them) and Honor's Night: Years of Service patches, Ship Pins and Passes, Hours of Service Ranks, Titles, and Where to wear the patches and pins.
•. Arriving and departing times for volunteering
• Dress and Appearance
• Costumes and Equipment
•. Overview of passes both partial and complete
• Volunteering Awards (and what you need to do to earn them) and Honor's Night: Years of Service patches, Ship Pins and Passes, Hours of Service Ranks, Titles, and Where to wear the patches and pins.
•. Arriving and departing times for volunteering
• Dress and Appearance
• Costumes and Equipment
•. Overview of passes both partial and complete
•. Odyssey Volunteer Training Resources
•. Galileo Volunteer Guidebook
• Current Pass Requirement Guide Sheets for all the simulators
• A video that explains the many shirts of the Space Center
• A video tour of the Costume Closet
•. Galileo Volunteer Guidebook
• Current Pass Requirement Guide Sheets for all the simulators
• A video that explains the many shirts of the Space Center
• A video tour of the Costume Closet
Use this link to learn how to be a great "Doctor" in the simulators including being in character, equipment and costume, ship specific tips and other resources.
Learn the Thorium ship controls for all of the CMSC's starship simulators
Discord Rules
We are using an application called Discord to communicate between the ships and also to communicate to our actors which will primarily be made up of volunteers. If you are going to use the app on a personal device (such as a phone) you must follow the rules listed below. Failure in following the rules or misuse of them will result in the loss of that privilege.
• Please use your first name and last initial for a nickname.
• Use appropriate and courteous language in all of your interactions.
• Never pretend about an actual emergency. Part of why we use this system is to help in an actual emergency.
• ADULTS - Adult volunteers (18+) should never send a private/direct message to youth volunteers. Any adults discovered sending private messages risk being removed from volunteering at the Space Center.
• We strongly encourage all volunteer conversations to be in the publicly viewed areas of the server -
Random Channel Use
I want to give a bit of guidance to our "RandomStuff'' channel. Ultimately the purpose of Discord is to help with Space Center communications. So everything shared should fit under that guiding topic of discussion. We have a few things for fun and laughs, but it is still related to the Space Center and how we operate. Since some topics don't fit under staff conversations in the Lobby or questions from Volunteers we created the RandomStuff channel. If it is related to the CMSC and doesn't fit another channel it can go here. If it is just random for random sake there is a huge chunk of the internet devoted for that purpose so let’s keep it there. We do however want to share in your successes or activities you are involved in. So if you have a school play or special event where others can see your talents then it is very appropriate to give a singular invite with the details. So please help us use this great and convenient communication tool effectively for the purposes of the Space Center.
We are using an application called Discord to communicate between the ships and also to communicate to our actors which will primarily be made up of volunteers. If you are going to use the app on a personal device (such as a phone) you must follow the rules listed below. Failure in following the rules or misuse of them will result in the loss of that privilege.
• Please use your first name and last initial for a nickname.
• Use appropriate and courteous language in all of your interactions.
• Never pretend about an actual emergency. Part of why we use this system is to help in an actual emergency.
• ADULTS - Adult volunteers (18+) should never send a private/direct message to youth volunteers. Any adults discovered sending private messages risk being removed from volunteering at the Space Center.
• We strongly encourage all volunteer conversations to be in the publicly viewed areas of the server -
Random Channel Use
I want to give a bit of guidance to our "RandomStuff'' channel. Ultimately the purpose of Discord is to help with Space Center communications. So everything shared should fit under that guiding topic of discussion. We have a few things for fun and laughs, but it is still related to the Space Center and how we operate. Since some topics don't fit under staff conversations in the Lobby or questions from Volunteers we created the RandomStuff channel. If it is related to the CMSC and doesn't fit another channel it can go here. If it is just random for random sake there is a huge chunk of the internet devoted for that purpose so let’s keep it there. We do however want to share in your successes or activities you are involved in. So if you have a school play or special event where others can see your talents then it is very appropriate to give a singular invite with the details. So please help us use this great and convenient communication tool effectively for the purposes of the Space Center.
We're want your photos in our photo archive. If you take a photo at the Space Center, please drop a copy here. Thank you.
Use the ship links to access the simulator websites. The websites have things like;
• Ship Rules • Mission Library • Mission Story Scripts • Mission Acting Scripts • Simulator Pass Sheets • Mission Second Chair Notes
• Ship Rules • Mission Library • Mission Story Scripts • Mission Acting Scripts • Simulator Pass Sheets • Mission Second Chair Notes
Use this link to go to the Costume Closet Site. See pictures of how the room should always look with descriptions of what goes where. There are also places to highlight new props and costumes combo (certain costume pieces go with other costume pieces. Learn what goes together). Use "The Latest Costume Closet Evaluation Score" to see our score on a scale of 1 - 5 on the order and appearance of the closet.
This is a fun space blasting game to help you become a better and faster typer.
This is a great resource to show staff and volunteers where to set up landing parties, away teams, etc.
This link takes you to the general volunteer / staff picture depository. This link takes you to the picture storage pages used to put together staff/vol. votes